
Photograph by @sanjeev kar, somewhere in Himalayas. He definitely was ‘in the moment’ when he clicked this, how else could he get this beautiful outcome. ‘Being present’, wholly and solely in the moment has always helped when i find myself on crossroads, weighing all the possibilities and probabilities. First and foremost, being in the moment has helped me look through solutions or rather made me aware of its existence. Living in the moment has also given me the feeling of tranquility, always and every time. Yet, i am struggling to be mindful – every moment (is it even possible?). Being mindful of millions of thoughts scrolling in high speed in my head or let’s start with basic, being mindful while eating, chewing your food to be precise. Eckhart Tolle  is one of my favourite authors as he talks and writes a lot of meaningful stuff about mindfulness or the state of presence. As mentioned in his book ‘ The Power of Now ‘ – IT’S  NOT  WHAT  YOU  THINK  IT  IS  You keep talkin